Islamic State left tens of thousands of improvised landmines scattered across Iraq. Images from a mine field NPA is working to clear.
NPA undertaking EORE for Bedouins in Muthanna and Basra governorates. Bedouins have been in a number of accidents involving explosive remnants of war, including cluster munition, recently, which is why NPA is implementing a project to provide EORE to the Bedouins in the region. The adolescent boy had his hand taken off by a piece of ERW.
NPA Iraq conducting high risk search in houses suspected of containing IEDs in Rawa. The houses were occupied by Islamic State during the occupation and were rigged up with booby traps, when IS withdrew.
- A hidden IED tore through the wall.
- The Quran left in the windowsill covered in dust.
- Fertiliser left in one house that use to house IS fighters
- Spice rack still standing in the kitchen some four years after IS was defeated
- “Danger” written on the door to a house
- Victim of IED standing in front of a house cleared by NPA
- Victim sitting in front of his house.
Images of Shareteah Humanitarian Organization’s EORE activities in Jedda 5 IDP camp in Qayyara.
Images of the remains of the Al Nouri Mosque in Mosul Old Town from where Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi proclaimed the Islamic State Caliphate on 4 July 2014. The mosque was destroyed on 21 June 2017 at 2150 by IS as the caliphate was crumbling. The picture included here of an explosion next to Al Nouri Mosque was taken at 0929 on 21 June 2017 some 12 hours before its destruction.