Pegida In Denmark – Part 5

Pro and anti-Pegida demonstrations in Copenhagen, Denmark 9 April 2016

Pegida B/W collection

The best of Pegida in B/W

Pegida in Denmark – Part 4

No comments needed…Anti-Pegida protests 18 May 2015…

Pegida in Denmark – Part 3

On 11 May 2015 Pegida once again gathered at Axeltorv and subsequently marched through downtown Copenhagen protected by upwards a hundred police officers and 15+ anto-riot vehicles. Opposing the demonstration was members from various leftish groupings.


Pegida in Denmark – Part 2

A Pegida demonstration and subsequent march through downtown Copenhagen on 4 May 2015 protected by a massive deployment of police officers and anti-riot vehicles through was met by 100+ members of the anti-fascist network attempting to block Pegida from carrying out their demonstration.

Pegida in Denmark – Part 1

On 19 January Pegida arranged a demonstration from the Public Museum of Art to the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen against Islamic extremism, violence and racism. Countering the Pegida demonstration was a demonstration arranged by Revolutionary Anti-Fascists moving from Sankt Hans Torv to Søtorvet.