66 million years ago…
Images of the Tyrannosaurus Rex – Stan – at Oslo Nature Science Museum…
Fossils at the Natural History Museum in Olso. A cast of the Tyranussaurus Rex known as “Stan”. The original “Stan” was found at the Hell Creek Formation, South Dakota. Oslo, Norway, 2 February 2018 Oslo, Norway, 2 February 2018
Fossils at the Natural History Museum in Olso. A cast of the Tyranussaurus Rex known as “Stan”. The original “Stan” was found at the Hell Creek Formation, South Dakota. Oslo, Norway, 2 February 2018
Fossils at the Natural History Museum in Olso. Darwinius masillae (nicknamed Ida), one of the most complete and beautifully preserved fossil primates ever found. Olso, Norway, 2 February 2018
Fossils at the Natural History Museum in Olso. A cast of the Tyranussaurus Rex known as “Stan” and a Cryopterygius Kristiansenae known as “Gamla”. Oslo, Norway, 2 February 2018
Visitors at the Natural History Museum in Olso looking at a reproduction of a birds’ nesting cliff in the North Atlantic. Olso, Norway, 2 February 2018